Safety Patrol

Irvington has a student safety patrol which is stationed at the Brazee/14th and Thompson/14th intersections before and after school. Fifth graders may volunteer for safety patrol and are trained by visiting Portland police officers. Safety patrol is a year-long commitment capped by a trip to Oaks Park at the end of the school year. Contact: Roseann Bennett at

Clothing Center

Portland Public Schools provide a clothes closet at Marshall High School for children in need of basic clothing. PTA volunteers staff the closet – each school is requested to staff the closet two times per year. Irvington staffs generally in September and again in February. We need 6-8 volunteers per shift. For more information, contact Jessica Farley (

Library Volunteers

Volunteers are welcome and needed in the library for both library planning and hands-on library tasks. For more information, contact Steffanie Audel:

Classroom Volunteers

Most teachers welcome volunteers in their classrooms. Individual teachers have their own system for arranging for and utilizing volunteers. If you are interested in helping in the classroom, check with your child’s teacher.