Restaurant Nights

Restaurant Nights Join us for dinner at these participating local restaurants. Throughout the year each restaurant has agreed to share a portion of the revenue for a night with the PTA. Stay up-to-date on which restaurant is hosting next on the PTA Calendar! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Irvington Elementary PTA […]
Fun Run

We are very excited for the First Annual Irvington Fun Run on Thursday, October 12th! The run builds
community, supports our school, and enables students, staff, and caregivers to have fun together. Our goal is
to have a 100% participation rate in the run – you do not need to raise any money to participate. This
event would not be possible without your help, and we deeply appreciate your support. The funds raised during
the Fun Run will be used for field trips for all students!

The Read-a-Thon is Back! Download Reading Log Download Pledge Sheet Please join us for our Third Annual Irvington Read-A-Thon: When we Read, we SOAR!This is a school-wide, inclusive event where EVERYONE is encouraged to participate by reading and logging their minutes to reach school-wide goals and earn school-wide prizes!It is also an optional fundraiser, where […]

Our school auction, the biggest fundraiser of the year, is April 26, 2025. We need auction items, parties, and sponsors to make the event a success! Your Auction Guide When is the Irvington School Auction? The Live Auction – Rainbow Connection – is on Saturday, April 26, starting at 6pm at Steeplejack Brewery. The live event will […]